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Sean Bennett

Career Coach


Sean has been coaching, mentoring, and tutoring people for the past 10 years.

In 2013, he managed to overcome his own public speaking fear to begin hosting a public speaking practice, as well as support groups for people with anxiety and depression, or low self-esteem. In 2015, he founded a creative- and business-writing community, hosting workshops on themes such as shame, obsession, love, friendship, relationships, and business writing, etc.

In 2020, he began working for SEVEN, which at the time was the highest-rated career coaching company in the UK (Sean was recruited here for his additional skills as a copywriter, having worked for brands like Oxford University Press and Savoo in the past). In 2021, Sean founded a charitable organisation called Coaching Through Crises, which seeks to provide free support to people experiencing homelessness and refugees.

As a career-coach, Sean specialises in helping people discover a sense of purpose, explore their transferable skills, build confidence, work on personal or business relationships, overcome procrastination, perfectionism, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, as well as to write CVs, cover letters, and personal websites. So far, he has worked with everybody from CEOs to retail workers, hospitality staff to financial directors, change consultants to out-of-work students and mums and dads, etc.

For Sean, no problem is too big or too small. Whatever you want to achieve, he is here to help you, with the utmost respect and compassion, to get you to precisely where you want to be. “

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Men’s Mental Health, ADHD, Neurodiversity, Changing Careers, Being Fired, Executive/C-Suite/Founder/CEO Coaching, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burn Out, Workplace Conflict, Work/Life Balance
Mike Giddings

"Aside from my career, Sean actually coached me through a creative project that helped me to re-assess the direction of my entire life at a time when I was undecided where I was going. In terms of outcomes it proved to be a turning point… for everything… which would never have come about without his compassionate, incisive, and professional input"

Jon Sayers

"I’ve worked with Sean on several occasions, and continue to do so. His quick, intuitive mind and strong, yet gentle presence have helped me achieve

Sabine Magnet

"I have worked with Sean on two different occasions. Both times, I was supported with knowledge, clarity, kindness, and the right dose of humour.

Mike Giddings

"Aside from my career, Sean actually coached me through a creative project that helped me to re-assess the direction of my entire life at a time when I was undecided where I was going. In terms of outcomes it proved to be a turning point… for everything… which would never have come about without his compassionate, incisive, and professional input".

Jon Sayers

"I’ve worked with Sean on several occasions, and continue to do so. His quick, intuitive mind and strong, yet gentle presence have helped me achieve clarity and insights I don’t think I’d have got to so quickly on my own (if at all!). I know Sean as a writer, too, and when he applies his strong narrative instinct to formulating exactly the right coaching question for you at just the right moment, the results can be very powerful, helping you get over hurdles in your Hero’s Journey you didn’t even know were there…"

Sabine Magnet

"I have worked with Sean on two different occasions. Both times, I was supported with knowledge, clarity, kindness, and the right dose of humour. With their coaching, I was able to solve inner and outer conflict, rethink my approach to technology and writing, and restructure my entire working life, which improved my performance immensely. I highly recommend working with them."

Career Coach


Since early in my career I’ve trained, mentored and coached colleagues. Regardless of the situation; personal, professional or both! We all have things in our lives that hold us back or cause us to doubt ourselves. That is where my unique TRYPP (The Realising Your Potential Programme) comes in. I love working with people and nothing makes me happier than seeing someone feeling more confident and empowered. I’m blessed to coach people who have experienced many different career challenges. Let me listen to you.

Examples of companies I’ve coached for:

1. Coalfields Regeneration Trust

2. Alloa Academy

3. Skills Development Scotland

4. Social Security Scotland

Professional Experience

Not indicated

Additional areas of focus:

Bereavement, Resilience, Confidence, Motivation, Assertiveness, Communication, Leadership, Workplace Conflict, Goal Achievement, Neurodiversity, Redundancy, Personal Relationships

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Carol Bishop AMInstLM
Pauline Grandison

I am pleased to write this testimonial for Jackie Scott who we commissioned to deliver training sessions to young people, helping them succeed in their careers. I have witnessed first-hand the positive impact Jackie has had on the young people who attended her training courses. From the beginning of the sessions it was evident that Jackie possessed a passion for empowering young people and guiding then towards achieving their career goals. Jackie is dedicated and committed to her work and created a safe and supportive environment where everyone felt comfortable. One of Jackie’s strengths is her ability to connect with each individual on a personal level. Throughout the training sessions she consistently demonstrated her expertise and knowledge in a wide variety of areas together with emphasising the importance of developing essential skills such as effective communication, problem solving and adaptability.

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Shona Caldwell
Andra Enache

Transformational Coach


Andra is a Certified Transformational Coach with proven experience in empowering individuals to unlock their potential and reach their goals! She has a background in HR and psychology, bringing a unique perspective to her coaching practice. As a coach, she’ll create the space for you to explore your aspiration, confront your fears and take decisive action toward your dreams!

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Changing careers, Being Fired, Women at Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burnout, Workplace Conflict, Work/Life Balance
Irina Manole
Elisabeth Korshunova

I asked Andra to help me get a better sense of direction as I was approaching my graduation. Yet, she helped me with much more - she not only directed me towards a clearer vision about my career, but also inspired me to be a more confident and detached person. I was positively surprised by her great listening skills, her empathy and her patient guidance!

Roxana Grosu

Nicole Freeman

Career Coach


I’ve worn many hats in my time – chartered accountant, business advisor and consultant, award-winning business owner, clinical hypnotherapist, mental health counsellor and full-time mum. And for much of that time I was plagued with self-doubt despite the Cambridge degree, first class MBA and everything else on my CV. As a recovering perfectionist, high achiever and people pleaser, I get you. That’s why I coach people like you who want to live the amazing life they deserve instead of feeling stuck, trapped by the voices in their heads. Pesky voices, stubborn blocks, limiting beliefs…whatever you want to call them, helping you remove them is my speciality. Let’s overcome overthinking over Zoom and help you build a life you love with true self-belief.

Professional Experience

Not indicated

Additional areas of focus:

Grief, Men’s Mental Health, ADHD, Autism, Neurodiversity, Changing Careers, Being Fired, People Of Colour, Executive/C-Suite/Founder/CEO Coaching, LGBTQ+, Women At Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burn Out, Workplace Conflict, Work/Life Balance

Akil Varinda

“Where can I start? In a matter of days I became very relaxed and felt that I could share anything with Nicole. Her sessions are a joy and have helped me a lot in working on my goals. Her knowledge int this field can easily be felt after the first conversation you have with her. Nicole made me feel invincible and I’ve always left her sessions feeling like nothing could stop me. I would 100% recommend her to anyone looking to unlock their potential. I can’t wait to continue with the sessions for a long time coming.”

Melanie Williams Browne
“It has been a pleasure to work with Nicole, and I have consistently been impressed by her ability to assist me in developing my personal and professional goals through the power of mindset. Nicole possesses a unique talent for recognizing limiting beliefs and negative self-talk patterns that hinder progress, and she provides the necessary tools and strategies to reframe thinking and overcome such obstacles. Furthermore, Nicole excels at adapting her coaching approach to my individual requirements, and she is never hesitant to challenge limiting beliefs. She has invested time in understanding my situation, obstacles, and aspirations, and has designed coaching plans that address my specific needs. Her personalized approach has been extremely effective, and has enabled me to make significant progress towards accomplishing my goals. Beyond her impressive coaching abilities, Nicole is also an absolute pleasure to collaborate with. She is warm, empathetic, and approachable, and genuinely cares about the success and well-being of her clients. In addition, her coaching does not conclude at the end of the session; if we cover a particular topic, she will often send additional resources or leave uplifting voice mail messages that are always welcomed and beneficial. This is just one of the reasons why I believe she is an exceptional and distinctive coach; through every interaction, I can sense her dedication and care. Overall, I wholeheartedly endorse Nicole as a mindset coach. She possesses the expertise, experience, and personal qualities necessary to make a genuine difference in the lives of those she collaborates with.”
Lisa Unger

“I have just completed a course of coaching with Nicole. It has been unbelievably helpful. Nicole is excellent at helping you pinpoint what you need/want to work on. After every session, I was uplifted, motivated and I had a clear list of steps to follow to progress my business. Nicole is kind and compassionate and a pleasure to work with. I can't recommend her highly enough.”

Psychologist & Leadership Coach


I work one-on-one with my clients to help them navigate major life transitions, such as growing/selling a business, job loss and burnout. I am a Certified Business Psychologist and Leadership Coach who’s passionate about helping business owners and mid-career professionals achieve their potential and thrive.

It was more than twenty years ago that I first experienced the power of psychology – how understanding human behaviour, our own included, could unlock tenacity and resilience in even the toughest of times. Since then, my fascination with people and their journeys has continued.

Using expertise in psychology, human behaviour, motivation, communication and well-being, I’ve proudly helped countless individuals discover new ways to experience fulfilment in their work and reach ambitious goals. I believe that with the right guidance and support, we can all realise our true purpose and experience success. Experiencing this empowerment in my own journey of self-discovery, I am passionate about helping others explore what it means to be fulfilled – in work and life.

Using a blend of coaching tools, including psychometrics and cognitive behavioural techniques, I help others utilise their strengths, create meaningful connections, and build resilience in the face of everyday challenges. I’m passionate about inspiring individuals to take charge of their lives and create meaningful, lasting changes that will propel them toward success. With my guidance, I strongly believe that anyone can discover what it means to be truly fulfilled in life and work.I also provide value-driven workshops and seminars on topics such as leadership, team building, well-being, and engaging workplace cultures.

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Changing Careers, Being Fired, Executive, Women at Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burnout, Workplace Conflict, Work-life balance
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I worked with Leanne through the Ride the Wave coaching programme - Leanne supported me through a challenging time with a series of career coaching sessions. Leanne took the time to work out what coaching style would work best for me, and ensured I was comfortable with the approach. Leanne used a variety of different methods and tools to help me reflect on my experience, my skills, and what I wanted for the future, as well as providing me with a toolkit so I can continue to reflect moving forward. Throughout our sessions Leanne always took an organised approach, created a safe environment, but also challenged me when I needed it. I highly recommend Leanne as a career coach!
I connected with Leanne through the Ride The Wave professional coach training for a series of career coaching sessions. I found Leanne to be a very organised and effective career coach who created an open and trusting space for our sessions. In particular, I appreciated Leanne's use of coaching tools, client feedback and post-session materials which I will keep hold of for my further career development and also in my own practice as a coach. Thank you for your reliable, knowledgeable and forward-thinking coaching!
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I was fortunate to benefit from Leanne's insightful coaching through Ride the Wave. I was particularly impressed by how Leanne takes time to personalise her approach and tailor her delivery, tools and coaching methods to ensure you get the most of the sessions. In fact there were a couple of tools which were so effective that I've used them (and shared with others!) very regularly since she introduced them to me. Leanne's coaching style is informal and supportive but with the credibility and gravitas that makes it easy for you to open your ears and mind. We didn't have many sessions together but Leanne made sure we used the time very effectively and has since checked in with me regularly - which I think reflects how Leanne cares about the changes you're making as a result of her support. It goes without saying that I'd highly recommend Leanne.

Life Coach


Hi I am Lynne Peters a Wellbeing Mindset & Self Confidence Life Coach.

I am married with a son who has just returned home after completing his Masters at university and live in rural Norfolk where I love being out in Nature. I have a 40 year leadership career in banking behind me so I have many years experience of supporting others through career progression, money management, growing their self confidence and resilience.

My career included being a trainer/facilitator/coach and a wellbeing champion and Regional DEI Ambassador, I have just been made redundant and have pivoted to setting up and running my own coaching and training business using my many years experience in this area. I am an ICF (International Coaching Federation) Qualified Coach and my training was based around positive psychology and neuroscience so I understand the link between our bodies and brains which can often be when we get in our own way.

Wellbeing is my passion and having navigated burnout, menopause and chronic illness, it’s my resilience and lived experience that I have drawn on to recognise the support leaders and others need with their wellness and spotting the signs of burnout early.It’s my mission in life to support more people to support themselves too as it’s key to their wellness and help people realise that self care is not selfish it’s essential

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Changing Careers, Executive/C-Suite/Founder/CEO Coaching, Menopause/Peri Menopause, Women At Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burn Out, Finance, Work/Life Balance, Building Resillience and or self confidence
Belinda Anderson
“After working with Lynne, I was able to really prioritise and see a clear vision around my priorities to achieve a greater work/life balance, which is so important to me as I was having a significant change in my personal life that I did not want to impact my work. With Lynne’s support and coaching I was able to gain a much needed reminder of who I need to be and a clearer vision to be able to not burn out and what I want in my career. Lynne has a great tone and is completely confidential. Thank you Lynne for all your support; I Highly recommend Lynne if you are looking to make changes in your life for greater overall satisfaction in both personal and work.”
James Benham
Lynne Coached me around my Wellbeing for around 6 weeks at a time when I was not feeling great about my life and feeling very stuck. I gained clarity and lots of techniques I could support myself with to prioritise me again which led to being able to return to work after a period of absence and keep the balance and boundaries between work and home life clearer. I became a fan of Podcasts along the way, can you believe I had never listened to one...
Natalie Tucker
Lynne coached me for two months last year and it was a wonderful experience. I found her to be an excellent listener; patient, perceptive and dedicated to helping her clients achieve their goals. Sometimes I came to sessions, with a vague topic in mind, not really knowing where I needed to get to. Lynne skillfully helped me to explore my situation, focus in on what mattered most, and identify next steps that felt both meaningful and achievable. I would recommend Lynne as a coach to anyone who is seeking clarity and calm, or looking to commit to taking action

Career Coach


“The right thing, in the right way, for the right person, at the right time”. This is the core of all my coaching and business mentoring work. I am a career coach supporting those looking to progress in their current role or sector and also those looking for a change of career direction. I help clients work through their skills and goals and create manageable and individually designed actions they can then take to progress. I am also a business mentor for entrepreneurs, charities and small companies, supporting them in their growth and development. I have 19 years of corporate experience to draw upon in addition to my coaching and business mentoring qualifications and experience. I am a naturally curious coach with a passion for learning and growth and helping my clients thrive.”

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

ADHD, Neurodiversity, Changing careers, Women at work, Anxiety, Burn Out, Work/Life Balance, Becoming your own boss
Sabrina, Head of Product for Global Environmental Health & Safety Tech
@ Amazon, Austin TX
"I thought I had a plan and knew my career potential, but Alice Nisbet helped me do more. Even over the few coaching sessions we had, I better defined my strengths and needs, got the process started for finding my next big job, and got a significant salary increase in the negotiations. Having Alice ask thoughtful questions that dug deeper into how I operate and envision success also enabled me to manage career progression while accomplishing other big things in life (buying a house, moving to a different city). I've taken away far more than valuable notes from sessions with Alice - my career horizons feel like they have expanded."
En, EPM Manager
@ Apple, San Francisco
"One of Alice's strengths is her ability to cut through the noise. She is a remarkably insightful sounding board when helping clients work through everything from large scale organizational challenges (e.g. re orgs, techniques to manage up / down / laterally) to performance reviews and career growth optimization. Alice helped me think more clearly about my own personal development. She carefully invests however much time necessary to understand each client, keen to the fact no two paths are the same. Success is different for everyone. Alice excels at helping clients distil and manifest what that means for them."
Berna, EMEA Connected Marketplace - Partnerships Portfolio Director
@ Nike, Amsterdam
"Working with Alice has helped me to reflect on my aspirations in both life and business. She is a phenomenal listener and capable of analysing the patterns and key issues by asking penetrating questions. She has empowered me to pinpoint areas for change, think through different approaches, then focus on taking action. The coaching has been rewarding and has enabled me to recognise my potential and to better navigate through challenging situations."

Financial Advisor


I work closely with people to help them identify their goals and aspirations. With a clear understanding of their current situation, we work together to create a plan which provides them a path to help achieve what they want to, when they want to. I help business owners, senior management, recruiters and young professionals. I get introduced to a lot of people who have just moved jobs and are keen to know what they should be doing with their old pension. The earlier you can start talking to a financial planner, the greater the possibilities can be. Picture a world where finance is a little less complicated, tax allowances, tax reliefs and knowing what to do with your money makes more sense. I love helping people who are looking to save time in their busy schedule, understand their current financial position better and plan for the future rather than leave it to chance.

KWM Wealth Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products.

SJP Approved 31/10/2023

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Retirement Planning, Investment Planning, Life Insurance/Business Protection, Business Owners, Senior Management, Recruiters and Young Professionals

Alexandra White
""I have recommended Jonathan to at least 10 people and for good reason. He is an expert at what he does. He has been instrumental in helping me to organise my finances and in particular, really understand the details of all of the pensions I have. He has worked tirelessly to find ways to simplify my pensions and overall finances to get me the best returns. He has always been available, at speed, to answer any queries I have and has regularly provided me with a service that goes the extra-mile. Jonathan is clear, concise and has really taken the time to get to know what is important to me, in order to provide me with a tailored service that is impeccable. If you are looking to build wealth in the short or long-term, there is no one else I’d recommend more highly than Jonathan.""
David Fleischmann
""Jonathan is passionate, knowledgeable and has always taken the time to understand both my personal and business needs. He is always able to explain the more complex issues in a clear, concise manner making me feel comfortable and trusting in his advice. With his guidance, I now have the appropriate protection cover in place to ensure my entire family are cared for.""

Antony Joury
"“Jonathan meticulously spent time getting to know my personal circumstances, finances and existing investments before offering his advice. He was professional, friendly, informative and always ensured he had time to answer my questions. I have since been incredibly pleased with the continued dialogue and reviews we have had.”"

Career Coach


With over 15 years of experience excelling in the intense and performance-driven world of International Business as a top-tier HR executive, I have had the privilege of making a significant impact in the realm of Human Capital. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to assisting thousands of professionals in managing their careers and pursuing work that is meaningful to them. Additionally, I have successfully guided hundreds of clients in finding the best talent to meet their organizational needs.

However, my passion extends beyond traditional HR roles. Leveraging my certified coaching experience, and my M.S.Ed, I’ve had the opportunity to coach hundreds of clients in various areas, including life coaching, career coaching, and high-performance coaching. I firmly believe in the power of coaching to help individuals unlock their full potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.

I am deeply passionate about teaching people unconventional strategies to navigate today’s job market and land jobs they truly love. Witnessing the transformative impact of these strategies on individuals from diverse backgrounds, industries, and professional stages fills me with a sense of fulfillment and pride.

Having served clients across the globe,I am committed to providing a supportive and empowering environment for growth and development and I am grateful for the opportunity to have played a role in their personal and professional transformations. It is a true honor to witness their progress and see them thrive as they embrace new opportunities and realize their potential.

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Men’s Mental Health, Changing Careers, Being Fired, People Of Colour, Executive/C-Suite/Founder/CEO Coaching, LGBTQ+, Women At Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burn Out, Workplace Conflict, Work/Life Balance
Sara Fotros
I will start by saying I can't recommend Emma highly enough. I worked with Emma during a big transition period in my life, and I've been fortunate to have her not only as my Career coach but also as a Life coach. I can happily say that not only she helped in countless ways, such as giving me courage and confidence, but I would go as far as saying that she changed my life. She loves what she does and does it with passion. Emma gave me constructive feedback and she did help me find my better and stronger self. After working on my attitude and help me prepare my tools such as CV, LinkedIn, interview prep, networking etc, we started the second stage of coaching which was when I started the actual job search, and in less than 3 weeks I got my first job in Software engineering. As a former professional musician, I would never imagine this happen to me, as I was expecting that would take me at least a year to shift into a career in Coding. But Emma helped me to understand that it's never too late, coding does not discriminate based on age, race, and background and it is okay to have different working experiences. I wish everyone had the chance to benefit from her experience. And I also wish I could be able to express my feeling and happiness better but all I can say now is THANK YOU EMMA!
Erica Puppo
If you’re looking for someone to help you with your life and career, look no further than Emma. No, seriously; you found what you were looking for. I have known Emma for many years so I was already familiar with her energy, empathy and ability to help others, but it was only this year that I reached out to her for structured support in my career and end up purchasing her gold package. She surpassed even my already high expectations. Emma is a superb motivator, she has vast experience in the business world and has an incredible array of valuable tips and tools that I will keep for life. There is no doubt that she helped me grow both personally and professionally in very simple and effective ways (even when I was putting in a lot of resistance). I contacted her when I felt lost and didn't know what direction to take in my professional life; by the time we began the last session of her programme, I had already signed a contract with an organization I would not even dream to enter prior to our first chat. So again, look no further than Emma. I could not recommend her more.
Nicolas Marini
Emma provided me career coaching while I was transitioning into a new career. Emma immediately made me feel more at ease with the task of trying to find a job in a field that was still new to me. Even though we only spoke through virtual meetings, Emma was able to instill comfort and confidence in me about my ability to find a job as a new software developer. Despite never meeting in person, Emma was able to prepare me for the entire job search process. She prepared me so well, in fact, that I ended up finding a job within only a couple of months of searching. Emma provided me with break-downs of what I should expect during an interview. She even setup a mock interview which she conducted with me, and gave me a strong foundation to base my future interviews on. Along with the mock interview, Emma instilled in me a strong feeling of confidence in my ability to attain a job as a beginner developer. She achieved this through her consistent positive remarks about my inter-personal skills and highlighting what skills would be important in both an interview and on a team. Emma also dramatically improved my job search and job response rate by providing me with very useful websites for job hunting and also by updating my resume. With Emma's support, I was able to grow from having an awkward and uncomfortable interview experience to walking away from an interview feeling confident and proud in my abilities. Emma was able to help me so much because of her consistent support, wonderful personality, and a breadth of tools and techniques to make one a desirable prospective employee. Without Emma, I can confidently say that I would not have found a job as fast as I did, and in the field that I wanted.

Career Coach


Meet Lumi Miron, a remarkable and compassionate coach dedicated to guiding individuals through diverse life journeys. With expertise ranging from grief to workplace challenges, she empowers clients to navigate a myriad of topics including men’s mental health, ADHD, autism, and neurodiversity. As a single mom who has triumphed over personal challenges, she brings empathy and insight to her coaching, helping clients transform adversity into strength. Her holistic approach extends to executive, C-suite, and founder coaching, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, supporting people of color, and promoting women’s empowerment. With unwavering passion, she helps individuals discover their inner magic and forge a path to fulfillment. International work experience in diverse industries, a serial entrepreneur with two active businesses, she found her purpose in helping others understand how much potential they have hidden, and see the magic unfold in their lives!”

Professional Experience

Not indicated

Additional areas of focus:

Grief, Men’s Mental Health, ADHD, Autism, Neurodiversity, Changing Careers, Being Fired, People Of Colour, Executive/C-Suite/Founder/CEO Coaching, LGBTQ+, Women At Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Burn Out, Workplace Conflict, Work/Life Balance

Mike Giddings
Michael Christian Torres
Stuart Wilson
Andrea Popeau Thomas

Career Coach


Andréa has been working at the University of East London careers team for over 8+ years, with the last 18 months dedicated to supporting Graduates and Alumni with their career journey.

From helping students become job ready by improving their CV’s & cover letters, the application process and interview techniques to empowering clients established in their career

Also experienced in using a holistic approach to coaching especially when dealing with clients and individuals who have suffered from a lack of confidence , imposter syndrome and issues stemming from early careers to established careers , even supporting individuals facing redundancy . Offering practical solutions that will empower and bring clarity to clients’ career goals. Andrea’s approach will create space for exploring new possibilities and develop strategies for impactful decision making that leads to positive outcomes

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Grief, Changing Careers, Being Fired, People Of Colour, Women At Work, Redundancy, Anxiety, Work/Life Balance, Early Careers
Simone Brown-Grant
I wanted to thank you for the invaluable assistance you provided in reviewing my CV and supporting me in my recent job application process. Your expertise and guidance were instrumental in enhancing my application and CV.  Your thorough knowledge of the job market and keen understanding of employer’s expectations enabled you to provide insightful feedback on my CV. Your suggestions on restructuring the content, highlighting key achievements, and tailoring it to specific job descriptions significantly improved its overall impact. You generously shared tips and strategies to optimise my job application, from crafting compelling cover letters to effectively showcasing my skills and experiences during interviews. Your advice was always practical, relevant, and tailored to my individual needs, empowering me to present myself confidently and professionally. I have no hesitation in recommending your services to anyone seeking professional guidance in their job search. I would be more than willing to refer colleagues and friends to you for their career development needs. Once again, thank you for your invaluable support and guidance. I am truly grateful for your contributions to my professional growth. 
Shazia Noreen
Andrea has been my career coach since my first year of LLB Hons degree. I was struggling to obtain work experience and to overcome imposter syndrome.  Andrea helped me developing in my career from scratch, with Andrea's support I was able to secure my very first mini pupillage in my first year with Francis Taylor Building Chambers. Since then, I never looked back, and my CV became more employable. I always say to Andrea that she is not only a career coach but also a motivational speaker as she always encouraged me to not disappoint or how to deal with unsuccess. She gave me the best definition for Diversity and Inclusion I quote her " Diversity means, celebrating each other's differences". I  am greatly thankful to Andrea because with her support by the time I completed my degree I secured a full-time job with University of East London Career Zone as Career Advisor. The confidence I carry and professional achievements the credit goes to Andrea. 
Andrew Leacy

Career Coach


My name is Edith Okparaocha and I am a Career Coach, Mentor and Trainer in a variety of sectors including private, public and charity. I am interested in helping people be the best they can be and make the most of their careers. Always utilising innovative ways to help. Specialities include helping career changers – exploring their careers options, helping soon to be made redundant employees – think of their next steps, helping recent graduates and helping unemployed individuals with job search, job applications, cover letters, CV review and interview skills.

Professional Experience

Not indicated

Additional areas of focus:

Changing Careers, Redundancy, Work/Life Balance
Lola Makinde
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Ihuoma Nnajiuba

"I highly recommend Edith for her outstanding career coaching services.  With her unwavering support and professionalism, I successfully re-entered the workforce.  She listened, understood my challenges, and provided personalised guidance.  Her valuable insights, CV tips, and interview preparation were crucial in securing my new job.  Thanks to Edith I’m now on a fulfilling career path". 

Sylvana Murday-Chendriah

Leadership Coach


Josi is a former Senior Finance Professional who worked for a Fortune 500 Company in Switzerland, Finland, and the UK. She led international projects and teams to simplify the system landscape and was a mentor to other aspiring leaders, around topics of mindset and mindfulness. After experiencing burnout, Josi decided to realign her career with her values and got certified with the Co-Active Training Institute to start her own business as a Leadership & Mindset Coach. She now works with highly capable women worldwide to shift their A-Game from small to BIG, become the leaders of their lives by shifting their mindset, and own who they really are.

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

Jena Thompson
Sarah Whiting
"After several sessions with Josi over a couple of years, I've been converted to believe in the power of coaching. Whether it's personal or professional

Archsana Poothatamby

Career Coach


I am Anna Edwards, and I spent over 11 years as a nurse within the NHS before transitioning into the realm of nurse retention and talent management. My journey led me to pursue an MSc in Leadership and Management, during which I conducted a comprehensive mixed methods study focused on the talent management of BAME colleagues within the NHS. Additionally I undertook a mentorship qualification with the NHS Leadership Academy and I hold a Holistic Career Development Career Coaching Certification.

Subsequently, I initiated a careers coaching platform and services within my local hospital, with a primary objective of creating a safe and supportive space for individuals with neurodiversity and those from underrepresented backgrounds to explore career planning and receive coaching. Since April 2023, I have been operating as a self-employed professional, diligently crafting resources and services to enhance interview skills, boost self-assurance, facilitate self-expression, and aid individuals in discovering their unique career paths.

My experience encompasses supporting individuals during the demanding COVID-19 pandemic, with a specialization in addressing burnout, anxiety, and promoting a balanced work-life equilibrium. Furthermore, I am deeply committed to tailoring my services to the needs of women, non-binary, POC and LGBTQIA+ individuals, who are often underrepresented in senior leadership and managerial roles.

I look forward to working with you together to plan and develop the life and career you want

Professional Experience


Additional areas of focus:

People of Colour, Leadership
Antonio Sierra
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Drew Edwards
"Anna has been instrumental in helping me take my first steps on the career ladder. Her guidance and support boosted my confidence in managing challenging situations at work. Thanks to Anna, I've gained valuable skills and am now on a promising career path."
Kim Homer
"Anna Edwards has been an exceptional consultant and coach throughout my career transition journey. Her support was vital in helping me navigate this critical phase. I truly appreciate the safe and open space Anna provided, allowing me to explore and process thoughts and emotions about the next steps in my career. Anna's approach is grounded and empathetic, making it easy for me to reflect on my aspirations as well as any concerns that arose. Together we developed a practical and focused plan to guide me into a new career path. Anna's dedication and guidance were instrumental in my successful new path. She not only helped me find a new career but also boosted my confidence and clarity about my professional journey and its further evolution. I highly recommend Anna Edwards to anyone seeking expert guidance and support during a career change or life shift "

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UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.

UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.