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Bullying at work.

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Bullying is a behaviour that exhibits in early school years through to adulthood and even later life. It rears its ugly head at work, at school, at the gym or even amongst friends and family. To define bullying properly let’s start first by taking a look at what a bully actually is. Oxford languages defines a bully as:

Bully: seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).

Workplace bullying involves repeated harmful actions, such as verbal abuse, intimidation, or exclusion, that undermine an individual’s dignity and well-being. It creates a toxic work environment and hampers productivity. It’s crucial to understand this destructive behaviour, recognise its signs, and take action. Here are a few behaviours to look out for when identifying bullying:

Bully behaviours to look out for: 

  • Belittling
  • Spreading rumours
  • Excessive criticism or undermining others work in front of senior managers
  • Being given an unfair workload distribution or unattainable tasks
  • Intentional isolation
  • Acting aggressively towards others
  • Threatening language or behaviour

Sadly, the above only scratches the surface of bullying and bullying can happen literally anywhere.

It can be daunting to speak up about bullying especially if you are unsure about who to go to. You may feel vulnerable, afraid or worried about the status of your job. Even if you are ‘friends’ with the bully who seems to be bullying others, you may feel a bit uncomfortable having tor raise the issue for fear of being labelled a ‘snitch’.

What can you do if you or someone you know is facing bullying at work:

Speak up: Report the incidents to your supervisor, HR department, or a trusted colleague. Document specific instances, dates, and any witnesses. Silence can sometimes perpetuate the problem further.

Seek support: If your work offers benefits such as counselling or has a whistle blowing policy, try and explore these options. You can also look into privately: external therapist, support groups within your local community or an employee assistance program for guidance and emotional support.

Preserve evidence: Keep copies of any written communication or evidence related to the bullying incidents. This will help build a strong case if necessary.

Know your rights: Familiarise yourself with your company’s policies on harassment and bullying. Seek legal advice, union reps or ACAS for advice.


In summary… It’s important create inclusive, supportive workplaces where everyone can thrive. United together, you can eradicate workplace bullying and foster environments built on respect, collaboration, and kindness.


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We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.