Welcome to UNVAELD where unlocking the full potential of your workforce becomes your competitive advantage.

Are black women ignored at work?

In the professional services realm, the experiences of black women often go unnoticed, their voices unheard and their contributions undervalued. This stems from a blend of unconscious biases, systemic inequalities, affinity biases and prevailing societal norms. It’s time to shed light on these challenges and pave the way for real change.

🔊 Amplifying Voices

Understanding and amplifying the experiences of black women in the workplace is not just a matter of empathy; it’s a necessity for progress and inclusivity.

Non-black allies, your role is pivotal. Engage in open dialogues, educate yourselves and advocate relentlessly for inclusive practices. Your support is invaluable.

🛠️ Employer Responsibility

Employers hold a critical responsibility in creating and maintaining an inclusive environment. Implementation of specific policies is paramount:

DEI Training: Education for all.

Diverse Hiring: Building varied candidate pools.

Mentorship Programs: Nurturing career growth.

Employee Resource Groups: Creating supportive communities.

Anti-Racism Policies: Zero tolerance for discrimination.

Flexible Work Policies: Balancing work-life commitments.

Pay Equity Measures: Closing salary gaps.

Fair Promotion Practices: Equitable leadership opportunities.

Diversity Audits: Ensuring effective inclusion efforts.

🚀 UNVAELD’s Commitment

At UNVAELD, we’re dedicated to empowering black women in the face of these challenges. We’ve recently introduced a FREE Hair Discrimination Policy for employers. Click here if you’d like to receive it: https://forms.gle/zh4dAFCp16MeY18u5

💬 Connect with Us

Don’t miss out! Reach out to Alexandra White, Founder of UNVAELD via LinkedIn or email (alexandra@unvaeld.com) and join us in this crucial conversation. We are always open to partnerships or collaborations in the DEI and mental health space.

Together, we can drive meaningful change.


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UNVAELD Professional Help

We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.
We do not provide professional help to individuals in urgent crisis. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 999 immediately. For support with suicidal thoughts, consider contacting the Samaritans UK, a trusted organisation specialising in confidential assistance during emotional distress. Your safety is paramount and there are professionals available to provide the urgent help required in such critical situations.